Moonflower Yoga
2093 Bellmore Avenue
Bellmore, NY 11710
Phone: (516) 557 2206

The Positive Effects of Knitting and Crocheting by Nancy Weshkoff

February 16, 2016 by  
Filed under Blog

The Positive Effects of Knitting and Crocheting

By Nancy Weshkoff




Did you know that learning to knit or crochet can have health benefits?   Here are just a few of the many benefits:

  • Creating a knitted or crocheted piece lowers your heart rate and blood pressure. Heart disease is the number one killer of women in this country, and taking steps to reduce your risk of heart disease is highly recommended.
  • It lowers your stress levels, and has been found to reduce the stress hormone cortisol.
  • It is meditative.   Working on your piece helps you to concentrate on the present moment.   Being mindful and letting go of regrets from the past or worries about the future is key to good health.
  • It has been found to help people stop smoking by providing a positive outlet.
  • Can help children with math skills, especially when following a challenging instruction.
  • It has been found to help people with cancer and other serious diseases cope with their illness.
  • The pieces that you create are something special for both you and the receiver. What’s better than a gift from the heart handmade with love!

At Moonflower Yoga in Bellmore, in Nassau County, Long Island (New York), we have a very fun Moonflower Yoga Needle Arts Group that meets approximately every 4-6 weeks.   The members of this group work on their individual pieces. Many do crocheting, while others prefer quilting, needlepoint, or knitting. Whichever handicraft you prefer is fine.   Everyone comes together to show their latest creations, to get advice from the group, and have fun catching up with the other members on what has transpired since the last meeting. For newcomers who have never tried doing this before, there are experienced members of the Moonflower Yoga Needle Arts Group who offer free advice on how to do some basic steps.    It is a great way to spend an afternoon.   And, as stated above, knitting and crocheting offers many other fabulous health benefits.

If you are near Bellmore, New York, in Long Island’s Nassau County this Saturday, February 20th, please stop by and join us for the next installment of the Moonflower Yoga Needle Arts Group.   You will have a blast working on your own piece, enjoying the company of the fellow Moonflower Yoga Needle Arts Group members, sampling delicious homemade snacks, and, of course, you will do some great things for your health as well.   We also have a great variety of yoga classes with great yoga teachers at the Moonflower Yoga studio, as well as fascinating workshops.  We look forward to having you join us soon!

New Year, New Beginnings by Nancy Weshkoff

December 31, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog


By Nancy Weshkoff


new beginningThere is something very special about the new year.   It is a time for new beginnings.   One of my favorite authors is Lucy Maud Montgomery who wrote the wonderful “Anne of Green Gables” series of books.   In this series, Anne Shirley made this comment after having a not-so-good day: “Tomorrow is a brand new day with no mistakes in it.”   How true!   If there were some things in 2015 that didn’t turn out as planned, just say goodbye to that, and turn the page to 2016.   It is a brand new year!

One of the best things to do for 2016 is to take care of YOU.   If you don’t take care of yourself, you cannot take care of the others in your life who may need you – children, elderly parents, spouse, your boss and co-workers, friends, siblings, etc.

At Moonflower Yoga, we have a great selection of yoga and meditation classes where you can take care of you.   In just one hour you can de-stress, learn to take some deep, cleansing breaths to remove tension, and engage in physical activity designed to help you become stronger, more flexible, and improve balance.   If you are afraid to take that first step, don’t be!   Everyone is welcome and greeted who walks through the door.   Our class sizes are small and semi-private in nature (with generally no more than 6-8 students per class).   We have great yoga teachers who will pay attention to you and help you with alignment and feeling comfortable. There are many props at Moonflower Yoga to support you.  If you have difficulty with a standing class, we have Chair Yoga on Tuesday mornings where you’ll get a great workout and feel amazing while seated in a chair.   Or come to a Tuesday meditation class and find some inner peace and relaxation.

Make 2016 a year in which you learn something new. You can join us for the Moonflower Yoga Needle Arts Group where you will learn how to knit, crochet, or quilt, or try the Moonflower Yoga Book Club and go on a wonderful journey with a fascinating book.   There are great workshops on the schedule to start 2016 including a Feng Shui workshop to learn how to situate items in your environment to get the best energy flow, the Ayurveda workshop where you discover your “dosha” type and learn how following the lifestyle for your dosha can help you reduce stress, feel better and sleep better.   Or learn a wonderful healing energy such as Reiki in our Reiki training sessions or Reiki Healing Circle. Discover essential oils and how they can fill your home with aromatic bliss while also providing other benefits, and learn to make homemade, organic gifts using essential oils.   Most importantly, you can feel relaxed while meeting new people and making new friends in one of our great workshops, training sessions, or events.

Here is to 2016 and its new beginnings!   If you are on Long Island, New York, in Nassau County, come give Moonflower Yoga a try in the town of Bellmore.   We would love to help you start the new year with a great beginning!


A Grateful Heart by Nancy Weshkoff

November 25, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog

Grateful Heart

I wrote this blog 2 years ago during Thanksgiving week   The sentiments expressed in the blog are still true, and I encourage all of you to take a moment to count the blessings in your life.   Doing so can help you realize how amazing each day that we spend on this earth can be.    Here is the blog, and I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I am taking a moment to pause & think deeply about the holiday.    If you look at the media blitz around us, you would assume Thanksgiving is about shopping for items you probably don’t need at discount prices.   Stores are opening earlier and earlier, and this often means families spend less time together as they rush to get to the mall.  What happened to this wonderful holiday with its family traditions?

Instead of the craziness of shopping, I am instead listing a few things in my life for which I am very grateful:

I am grateful for the many students who walk in the doors of Moonflower Yoga to attend a yoga class.   It is such a blessing to have them at the studio each week, getting stronger, feeling better, and sharing a part of their lives at Moonflower Yoga.   I love meeting each person as they walk in the door and catching up with them each week.  Thank you to all of you who have made Moonflower Yoga a success.

It was 4 years ago this month that my life changed forever with the news that my job in corporate America was coming to an end with a forced layoff.    Although that news was devastating at the time, it gave me the opportunity to try something new that I always wanted to do.   Moonflower Yoga was born as a result of that, and I am grateful that my life changed for the better.   As Gandhi very wisely said: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”.

Making a life change would have been very challenging if it wasn’t for the support of my husband, Bob, who has been my rock for the last 40 years.   Bob, together with friends and family, supported me and Moonflower Yoga, and I am very grateful for their love and support.   And Bob’s delicious, homemade desserts at our workshops, events, and Moonflower Yoga Book Club meetings bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Moonflower Yoga has great yoga teachers who work alongside of me each week and bring their love of teaching and helping people to Moonflower Yoga each week.   I could not run the studio without them.   And there have been wonderful workshop presenters as well, who have taught us some very interesting things that we didn’t know before and helped us learn something new.   I am grateful to all of the great instructors and workshop presenters for making Moonflower Yoga a special place.

I am grateful to my hometown of Bellmore, Long Island, in New York’s Nassau County.   I have been welcomed in the town as a new business, and it has been awesome to establish my business roots here as well as my home roots.   I always learn something new at the Bellmore Chamber of Commerce meetings.

I am grateful to my yoga teachers who helped me discover the wonders of yoga many years ago.    Yoga has been my rock when things were stressful, and now it has become my life.    It all started with attending my first yoga class, and it grew from there.   Yoga can help you too!

What are you grateful for this holiday season?    Take a moment to reflect on the blessings in your life.   You will feel inspired!   Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Learning to Love Yourself by Nancy Weshkoff

October 31, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog


By Nancy Weshkoff


It makes me incredibly sad when a student at the studio starts to describe herself with negative imagery: “I’m too fat”, “I’m not flexible”, “my hips are too big”, “I don’t like my midsection”, “I have wrinkles”, etc.  

Sadly we are being deluged by the media that shows “perfect” bodies in magazines and billboards. Do you know that many of those “perfect” body images have been altered before publication to give the model a smaller waist, longer legs, no wrinkles, etc.?

We need to LOVE OURSELVES.   I’ve learned to do this by being positive.   When someone points out that I have wrinkles around the corners of my mouth or my eyes, I smile and happily remark that I’m proud of those wrinkles – it means that I have smiled a lot in my life to create them.

On Sunday afternoon, November 8th, Moonflower Yoga has a great workshop to help women look at their bodies in a different way. It is entitled LOVE YOUR BODY NOW and is presented by the talented Shana Sweeney.   In this incredible workshop, you learn that many women have a negative body image and wished their body looked different in some way.  If you are unaccepting and critical of your body as it is right now, you are not alone.  In this great LOVE YOUR BODY NOW workshop, Shana will teach you how to break the negative belief system and embrace and love your body just as it is right now.  You will use tools such as meditation, free writing, and ritual to help you heal your relationship with yourself and your body.  You do not need to try to attain a shape defined by this culture, and you can give beauty a new definition and have a positive body image.

If you are in the area of Bellmore, in Long Island, New York’s Nassau County, come join us on Sunday afternoon, November 8th, at the Moonflower Yoga studio for this great workshop with Shana.   You will learn something new and feel great about yourself! For more information on this workshop or any of the great yoga classes or teachers at Moonflower Yoga, click on the class descriptions section of the website.   We look forward to seeing you soon!


Changing the Channel by Nancy Weshkoff

May 6, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog

Changing the Channel

By Nancy Weshkoff


One of my favorite quotes is from the remarkable Thich Nhat Hanh: “There are thousands of channels in in our consciousness; it is up to us to choose the channel.”    So much wisdom in just one sentence!

When we discuss this concept in my yoga classes at Moonflower Yoga, I suggest to my students that they should think of their minds as cable television with a remote control.   If you are sitting at home with the television set on, and if you come across a program that you don’t like, you use the remote control to change channels to something else that you do like.   It is the same with your mind.  If an unpleasant image pops up, change the channel to something more pleasant and concentrate on the present moment.  YOU are in charge of the remote control.

So why is this important?   In our yoga classes at Moonflower Yoga, we stress the importance of being in the present moment.     When you focus on the present moment, you strengthen your body and become more flexible as you concentrate more fully on the alignment of your pose and your breath.  When you concentrate on the present moment, it also means finding that inner peace that reduces our stress because you have released regrets from the past and worries about the future.   

In all of our yoga classes at Moonflower Yoga, we teach our students techniques to help you relax, feel calmer, and learn to be more in the present moment.  If you are in Bellmore,  on Long Island New York’s Nassau County, come and try one of our amazing yoga classes or workshops taught be a dedicated team of great teachers as we help you to become more in the present moment and find that inner peace.   You’ll feel great!


Heart Disease: The Silent Killer for Women by Nancy Weshkoff

February 6, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog

Heart Disease: The Silent Killer for Women

By Nancy Weshkoff

February is Heart Health Month and the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Movement, with February 5th designated as Go Red for Women Day.   I applaud the American Heart Association for their work in bringing to light this very important issue.  

Here are some key factors about heart disease in women that you need to know:

– Did you know that heart disease is the NUMBER ONE killer of women in the United States? 

– Did you know that if you stacked up ALL cancer-related deaths for women together (breast, lung, ovarian, liver, skin cancer, etc), that all of these cancer-related deaths together would still be number two behind heart disease? 

– Did you know that 1 in 3 women in the United States will die every year from heart disease?  And of this number, did you know that more than 1,800 of these women who die from heart disease will live here on Long Island in New York?

– Did you know that you can help PREVENT becoming one of these very sad statistics by proactively taking steps to lower your risk?  

While there are some things that you cannot change, such as your family history of heart disease, there are several things that doctors all agree that you CAN do to lower your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.  These include:

– Engage in moderate exercise on a regular basis.   Sitting on a couch and not moving is bad for you in so many ways.   Your body needs to move.   Yoga is extremely helpful in helping you with your exercise goals.   The postures in a yoga class will build strength and flexibility, and at the same time, the deep breathing techniques (pranayama) used in a yoga class increase the flow of blood to your heart and your organs. 

– Reduce your stress levels:   We all face stress.   How we deal with stress is key.   Being in a “fight or flight” mode, which is how our body reacts when our stress levels are high, is putting a huge strain on your body functions – including your heart. Meditation is a wonderful tool to help you lower your blood pressure and stress levels.  Yoga classes also help you reduce your stress.   The yoga and meditation classes at Moonflower Yoga can get you on the path to accomplishing your stress-reduction goals.

– Learn to be “in the present moment”.  We often worry unnecessarily about things from our past that we cannot change or things in the future that MIGHT happen but haven’t happened yet and may never happen.   In our classes and workshops at Moonflower Yoga, we teach you ways to be more in the present moment and let go of unnecessary worries bringing you more peace and calm.

– Lower your blood pressure:  Moving more, decreasing your stress levels, and using tools such as meditation and yoga mentioned above can all help you with this.  How about learning something new?   Spending some time reading a great book or engaging in a fun activity such as art or coloring are meditative and can help lower your stress levels.  A few days ago, we enjoyed coloring mandalas in our Kundalini and art workshop.   We also have a fun Moonflower Yoga Book Club that meets every 4-6 weeks and an upcoming art workshop entitled “Collage for the Soul” where no prior art experience is needed and you learn to meditate through art.    Or try something completely different and learn to how to read Tarot Cards in our upcoming Tarot Cards workshop. Spending time with your Tarot cards is very engaging and takes your mind off of your worries.  These types of interesting and meditative activities can help you on the path of stress reduction and lowering your blood pressure. 

As someone who has a history of heart disease in my family, I take heart disease very seriously.   My stress levels and blood pressure were very high – all red flags for being on the path to a heart attack or stroke.    Through yoga, meditation, learning to be more in the present moment, and spending time in engaging activities such as reading, I have been able to lower my blood pressure to normal.    You, too, can lower your risk.  We hope to see you soon at a great yoga class, meditation, or workshop at Moonflower Yoga in Bellmore in Nassau County, Long Island, where we can help you reduce your risk of heart disease as well.   Let’s lower these frightening heart-disease numbers for women!


What Was Your New Year’s Resolution? written by Nancy Weshkoff

January 14, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog

What was your New Year’s Resolution?

Written by Nancy Weshkoff

Do you find yourself making a resolution on New Year’s Eve with good intentions but which is suddenly forgotten shortly after January 1?   I found myself guilty of this as well until I learned about goal planning and strategies.    From my past experience in corporate life, it was a regular occurrence to have certain requirements or tasks assigned to you.    Once I learned written goal planning techniques, it was much easier to accomplish these tasks and measure the progress of my goals.  

I am very excited to be sharing these goal planning techniques this weekend at Moonflower Yoga in our “Goal Setting and Vision Board” workshop.    You CAN accomplish your goals if you mindfully map out the goal with a realistic goal plan.  

Another great way to also keep your goal on track is with a vision board, where you place images and positive messages on a board as a daily reminder of your goal.   By seeing this every day, it is a fantastic motivational tool.   Chris Senetto will be working with me this weekend to help the workshop participants create their own personal vision board representing their dreams and goals.

If you are in the area of Bellmore, in Long Island, New York’s Nassau County, I hope you can join us this Sunday, January 16, 2015, at 2 PM, for our fabulous Goal Setting and Vision Board workshop.   You can make 2015 the year in which YOUR dreams come true with careful planning and a great motivational tool in your vision board.

And if one of your goals for 2015 is to take better care of yourself, find some inner peace, and get in shape, check out the fabulous variety of great yoga and meditation classes or workshops at Moonflower Yoga which can help you on this positive path for this new year.   The staff of dedicated teachers at Moonflower Yoga and I  look forward to seeing you!

Here is to a great 2015 !!


Thanksgiving Gratitude by Nancy Weshkoff

November 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Blog


 By Nancy Weshkoff


 I wrote this blog last year during Thanksgiving week   The sentiments expressed in the blog are still true, and I encourage all of you to take a moment to count the blessings in your life.   Doing so can help you realize how amazing each day that we spend on this earth can be.    Here is the blog, and I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I am taking a moment to pause & think deeply about the holiday.    If you look at the media blitz around us, you would assume Thanksgiving is about shopping for items you probably don’t need at discount prices.   Stores are opening earlier and earlier, and this often means families spend less time together as they rush to get to the mall.  What happened to this wonderful holiday with its family traditions?

Instead of the craziness of shopping, I am instead listing a few things in my life for which I am very grateful:

I am grateful for the many students who walk in the doors of Moonflower Yoga to attend a yoga class.   It is such a blessing to have them at the studio each week, getting stronger, feeling better, and sharing a part of their lives at Moonflower Yoga.   I love meeting each person as they walk in the door and catching up with them each week.  Thank you to all of you who have made Moonflower Yoga a success.

It is now 3 years ago this month that my life changed forever with the news that my job in corporate America was coming to an end with a forced layoff.    Although that news was devastating at the time, it gave me the opportunity to try something new that I always wanted to do.   Moonflower Yoga was born as a result of that, and I am grateful that my life changed for the better.   As Gandhi very wisely said: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”.

Making a life change would have been very challenging if it wasn’t for the support of my husband, Bob, who has been my rock for the last 40 years.   Bob, together with friends and family, supported me and Moonflower Yoga, and I am very grateful for their love and support.   And Bob’s delicious, homemade desserts at our workshops and Moonflower Yoga Book Club meetings bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Moonflower Yoga has great yoga teachers who work alongside of me each week and bring their love of teaching and helping people to Moonflower Yoga each week.   I could not run the studio without them.   And there have been wonderful workshop presenters as well, who have taught us some very interesting things that we didn’t know before and helped us learn something new.   I am grateful to all of the teachers and workshop presenters for making Moonflower Yoga a special place.

I am grateful to my hometown of Bellmore, Long Island, in New York’s Nassau County.   I have been welcomed in the town as a new business, and it has been great to establish my business roots here as well as my home roots.   I always learn something new at the Bellmore Chamber of Commerce meetings.

I am grateful to my yoga teachers who helped me discover the wonders of yoga many years ago.    Yoga has been my rock when things were stressful, and now it has become my life.    It all started with attending my first yoga class, and it grew from there.   Yoga can help you too!

What are you grateful for this holiday season?    Take a moment to reflect on the blessings in your life.   You will feel inspired!   Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


When Things Happen for a Reason by Nancy Weshkoff

November 20, 2014 by  
Filed under Blog

When Things Happen for a Reason

By Nancy Weshkoff


 Life is often like a roller coaster.    You encounter some curves and dips that you were not expecting.   And when that happens, I always think that what has occurred has taken place for a reason, even if that reason is not immediately apparent.   I had one of those drastic roller coaster curves 3 years ago this week.

Some of you may know that my past experience before Moonflower Yoga was in the corporate world, specifically I was in the music industry on the business side.   It was very interesting, and I met some amazing people, but it also had its stressful times.    I had been in the music business more than 30 years.    Three years ago this week I received the news that I was being laid off from my current position.   It was a shock that I was not expecting.  What made it much worse was that my husband had lost his job of 30 years just 3 months earlier when his employer went bankrupt.   Now we were both unemployed, just as the recession was hitting its peak and companies were not hiring and making their own cutbacks.

Things looked very bleak.   Yet, through it all, I kept a positive spirit that things happen for a reason.   My yoga practice had always been my savior, and I found that yoga and meditation helped me with this drastic life change.  When my yoga teacher announced the start of a teacher training program, I enrolled – still not sure where this was going to take me.    When I completed the training and graduated, I knew that my life was meant to go in a different direction.    The corporate world was no longer my path.    I also knew that I wanted to be in charge of my own destiny and start my own yoga business, bumpy as that was going to be.    

And so Moonflower Yoga was born!   I took a giant leap of faith and signed a lease to rent space for my new venture.    Those first few weeks of having the doors open were challenging as I worked hard to build the business.    Each month things improved and more and more people walked in the doors to try a yoga class.    Now Moonflower Yoga has been open for more than 2 years, and yoga classes are selling out with waiting lists.  

What has also happened is that I have met so many amazing – and inspirational – people that I would not have met if I had stayed in the music industry.   There are a wonderful group of students who I am blessed to have walk through the doors of Moonflower Yoga to try a yoga class or workshop.    Many never tried yoga before, and they have fallen in love with yoga as I did.  Yoga has helped them cope with their own difficult life challenges in a positive way.  At the same time, I have learned things from these amazing students and getting to know them has helped me grow as well.     I am also blessed to  have a very dedicated group of teachers at Moonflower Yoga who also love teaching and helping people.  

And so I go back to the start of this blog…. Things happen for a reason.    Although I did not know it 3 years ago, being laid off from the corporate world enabled me to have this incredible new chapter in my life.   My husband, who had lost his job 3 years ago, found a new position at a great company that is closer to home.    If you are feeling as if life has thrown you into a dip on the roller coaster, think positive!   And if you would like to experience an amazing yoga class or workshop to help you feel better, come join us at Moonflower Yoga in Bellmore, in Long Island’s Nassau County (New York).    And always remember that things do happen for a reason.


The Positive Benefits of Yoga on Baby Boomers and Seniors

September 12, 2014 by  
Filed under Blog

The Positive Benefits of Yoga on Baby Boomers and Seniors

By Nancy Weshkoff


At Moonflower Yoga, in Bellmore, on Long Island’s Nassau County, we have a steady group of baby boomers and seniors who attend our yoga classes.   From personal observation, I know that yoga is helping them.   They are getting stronger and more flexible, improving their balance, finding inner peace, and enjoying the comradery of being in a small-class setting with personal attention.   Plus they are meeting new people and becoming friends with fellow students.   But there is something else that yoga is helping: your brain function.

My personal observation of this improvement for baby boomers and seniors has been recently confirmed in a new study.  The University of Illinois studied 108 adults between the ages of 55 and 79 years of age.  61 of these attended hatha yoga classes – the style of yoga taught at Moonflower Yoga.   The remaining group did not attend yoga classes but did general stretching and toning exercises.

At the end of 8 weeks, the results were checked.    The participants who did yoga for 8 weeks were speedier and more accurate on tests of information recall, mental flexibility, and task switching than they were before they began taking yoga classes.    The yoga participants showed significant improvements in memory capacity, and were able to perform tasks more quickly without getting distracted.   This is very key to daily living, as we often are required to multi-task in our everyday life.   The people who oversaw the study believe that the yoga group benefitted from hatha yoga because it required focused effort as you moved through the poses, controlling the body and breathing at a steady rate.    Studies have also found that yoga provided immediate positive effects on decreasing anxiety, stress, and depression by quieting the sympathetic nervous system.

And, for the record, there was no improvement in mental capacity for the participants in this study who did not attend yoga classes.

I personally believe that yoga can help you feel better and function better at ANY age.   As this study has confirmed, it definitely helps baby boomers and seniors.

If you are the area of Bellmore, on Long Island’s Nassau County, come try one of our great yoga classes at Moonflower Yoga!   Our team of very dedicated yoga teachers will pay attention to you in our small-class setting making sure that you are doing your poses correctly.  You’ll gain strength, flexibility, and balance, reduce stress levels, and at the same time improve your mental capacity.  How cool is that!




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