Moonflower Yoga
2093 Bellmore Avenue
Bellmore, NY 11710
Phone: (516) 557 2206

When Things Happen for a Reason by Nancy Weshkoff

November 20, 2014 by  
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When Things Happen for a Reason

By Nancy Weshkoff


 Life is often like a roller coaster.    You encounter some curves and dips that you were not expecting.   And when that happens, I always think that what has occurred has taken place for a reason, even if that reason is not immediately apparent.   I had one of those drastic roller coaster curves 3 years ago this week.

Some of you may know that my past experience before Moonflower Yoga was in the corporate world, specifically I was in the music industry on the business side.   It was very interesting, and I met some amazing people, but it also had its stressful times.    I had been in the music business more than 30 years.    Three years ago this week I received the news that I was being laid off from my current position.   It was a shock that I was not expecting.  What made it much worse was that my husband had lost his job of 30 years just 3 months earlier when his employer went bankrupt.   Now we were both unemployed, just as the recession was hitting its peak and companies were not hiring and making their own cutbacks.

Things looked very bleak.   Yet, through it all, I kept a positive spirit that things happen for a reason.   My yoga practice had always been my savior, and I found that yoga and meditation helped me with this drastic life change.  When my yoga teacher announced the start of a teacher training program, I enrolled – still not sure where this was going to take me.    When I completed the training and graduated, I knew that my life was meant to go in a different direction.    The corporate world was no longer my path.    I also knew that I wanted to be in charge of my own destiny and start my own yoga business, bumpy as that was going to be.    

And so Moonflower Yoga was born!   I took a giant leap of faith and signed a lease to rent space for my new venture.    Those first few weeks of having the doors open were challenging as I worked hard to build the business.    Each month things improved and more and more people walked in the doors to try a yoga class.    Now Moonflower Yoga has been open for more than 2 years, and yoga classes are selling out with waiting lists.  

What has also happened is that I have met so many amazing – and inspirational – people that I would not have met if I had stayed in the music industry.   There are a wonderful group of students who I am blessed to have walk through the doors of Moonflower Yoga to try a yoga class or workshop.    Many never tried yoga before, and they have fallen in love with yoga as I did.  Yoga has helped them cope with their own difficult life challenges in a positive way.  At the same time, I have learned things from these amazing students and getting to know them has helped me grow as well.     I am also blessed to  have a very dedicated group of teachers at Moonflower Yoga who also love teaching and helping people.  

And so I go back to the start of this blog…. Things happen for a reason.    Although I did not know it 3 years ago, being laid off from the corporate world enabled me to have this incredible new chapter in my life.   My husband, who had lost his job 3 years ago, found a new position at a great company that is closer to home.    If you are feeling as if life has thrown you into a dip on the roller coaster, think positive!   And if you would like to experience an amazing yoga class or workshop to help you feel better, come join us at Moonflower Yoga in Bellmore, in Long Island’s Nassau County (New York).    And always remember that things do happen for a reason.


The Positive Benefits of Yoga on Baby Boomers and Seniors

September 12, 2014 by  
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The Positive Benefits of Yoga on Baby Boomers and Seniors

By Nancy Weshkoff


At Moonflower Yoga, in Bellmore, on Long Island’s Nassau County, we have a steady group of baby boomers and seniors who attend our yoga classes.   From personal observation, I know that yoga is helping them.   They are getting stronger and more flexible, improving their balance, finding inner peace, and enjoying the comradery of being in a small-class setting with personal attention.   Plus they are meeting new people and becoming friends with fellow students.   But there is something else that yoga is helping: your brain function.

My personal observation of this improvement for baby boomers and seniors has been recently confirmed in a new study.  The University of Illinois studied 108 adults between the ages of 55 and 79 years of age.  61 of these attended hatha yoga classes – the style of yoga taught at Moonflower Yoga.   The remaining group did not attend yoga classes but did general stretching and toning exercises.

At the end of 8 weeks, the results were checked.    The participants who did yoga for 8 weeks were speedier and more accurate on tests of information recall, mental flexibility, and task switching than they were before they began taking yoga classes.    The yoga participants showed significant improvements in memory capacity, and were able to perform tasks more quickly without getting distracted.   This is very key to daily living, as we often are required to multi-task in our everyday life.   The people who oversaw the study believe that the yoga group benefitted from hatha yoga because it required focused effort as you moved through the poses, controlling the body and breathing at a steady rate.    Studies have also found that yoga provided immediate positive effects on decreasing anxiety, stress, and depression by quieting the sympathetic nervous system.

And, for the record, there was no improvement in mental capacity for the participants in this study who did not attend yoga classes.

I personally believe that yoga can help you feel better and function better at ANY age.   As this study has confirmed, it definitely helps baby boomers and seniors.

If you are the area of Bellmore, on Long Island’s Nassau County, come try one of our great yoga classes at Moonflower Yoga!   Our team of very dedicated yoga teachers will pay attention to you in our small-class setting making sure that you are doing your poses correctly.  You’ll gain strength, flexibility, and balance, reduce stress levels, and at the same time improve your mental capacity.  How cool is that!




Reflections on Moonflower Yoga’s 2-year anniversary celebration

September 2, 2014 by  
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Reflections on Moonflower Yoga’s 2-year anniversary celebration

By Nancy Weshkoff


On Sunday, September 7th, we are celebrating the two-year anniversary of the opening of the doors at Moonflower Yoga.    How quickly time has gone by!

For those of you who may not know my background, I spent over 35 years in the corporate world, most of these in the music industry where I worked my way up the ranks and had an opportunity to meet some amazing people.    While it was an interesting and important phase of my life, it is this new phase at Moonflower Yoga that is so special to me.

When my life in corporate America came to an end, it was a gut-wrenching period trying to decide what to do next.    I decided to turn to the one thing that always brought me peace during the stressful times in my life: my yoga practice.    Shortly thereafter I enrolled in a teacher training program, and realized this was my new destiny.    Upon graduation from the teacher training program, Moonflower Yoga was born.     I decided to open the studio in Bellmore in Long Island’s Nassau County (New York) and say goodbye to commuting on the LIRR every weekday.

And while I had a dream of what I would like the studio to be, it has far exceeded what those initial drawing plans were.     Moonflower Yoga offers a very interesting mix of classes, and I am very proud of how varied the schedule is, with classes such as Vinyasa flow classes for energy and strength, Iyengar-style classes that increase your flexibility, Kundalini yoga, wonderful meditation classes, restorative yoga to reduce stress, Tai Chi,  very gentle yoga classes for the beginner, and an eclectic mix of classes under “Calming and Healing Your Spirit” ranging from Angel Healing (IET), to a Reiki Healing Circle, to Laughter Yoga, to a Gallery Reading with an intuitive medium, etc.    The small-class setting at Moonflower Yoga has encouraged newcomers, as well as fellow baby boomers such as myself, to come and try yoga, and they are getting stronger, more flexible, and finding inner peace as a result.

I also love the workshop programs on very wide-ranging topics from natural ways to improve your health, astrology, spiritual development, Feng Shui, Tai Chi and Qigong, crystals, aromatherapy, meditation, Tarot Cards, ways to relieve neck and shoulder discomfort, goal setting to help you reach your dreams, etc.   These have enabled people to learn so many fun and interesting things.   And in the last year the Moonflower Yoga Book Club was formed where we have a great time meeting every 4-6 weeks, sharing the new things in our lives, and learning something new through the books selected.

Most of all, it is the students and teachers who have become such an important part of my life that have helped to make Moonflower Yoga special.   I love the community that has developed here with people meeting other people, becoming friends, and supporting each other.   I feel very, very blessed when I open the doors of the Moonflower Yoga studio every day and know that amazing things are going to happen at the studio.    I send out my thanks to all of you who have made Moonflower Yoga a success!!   And a final thanks to the other half of my life: my husband, Bob, who has been my rock through my journey and helps with so many of the functions at the studio, especially those absolutely delicious homemade goodies that we serve for the workshops and the Moonflower Yoga Book Club.

If you are in the area of Bellmore (Nassau County) on Long Island’s south shore this weekend, come join us for our fun two-year anniversary party this Saturday, September 7th, from 1 PM – 5 PM.   Come say hello and help us share in an important milestone.   You will get to meet some great people.   And thank you again for your support!!!!  

Beginner Yoga by Nancy Weshkoff

August 5, 2014 by  
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Beginner Yoga

By Nancy Weshkoff


 If you have never tried yoga before, the best way to start is with a beginner yoga class.    It is in a beginner yoga class where you will begin a wonderful journey to better health and well-being.

Contrary to what you might think, beginner is not just for people who have never tried yoga before.   Beginner yoga is great for everyone.    In a beginner yoga class, you will move at a slower, gentler pace.   In doing so, you can concentrate more closely on your pose and really feel your muscles moving and stretching from posture to posture.   You can focus on linking your movement with your breath which helps you move more deeply and brings you renewed energy.   And you can pick up some helpful tips on how to improve core, fundamental poses.  

Prior to becoming a yoga teacher, I spent many years practicing yoga at various studios.   I often attended beginner classes, even though I had several years of yoga experience.   I enjoyed the flow of a beginner class as it gave me an opportunity to concentrate more deeply on my movement.   I also enjoyed talking with new students and encouraging them while sharing my yoga experience.

Newer students have asked me how long they need to take a beginner yoga class before moving to a more intermediate level.    Each person is different, and there is no set period of time.   I strongly encourage everyone to be truly comfortable and understand the basics of core, essential yoga poses before trying something more challenging.     You may find, as I did, that beginner yoga is perfect for you at every stage of your yoga practice.

If you are looking for a great beginner yoga class with a great yoga teacher, Moonflower Yoga has a wonderful variety to offer you.   We have beginner yoga classes on weekends, weekday mornings, and evenings.   Whichever time frame you pick, you will have a find a class that meets your needs.    If you are in the area of Bellmore, in Long Island, New York’s Nassau County, come give one of our great beginner yoga classes a try!    Our class size is small and semi-private so you can receive personal attention, and our instructors pay attention to you so that you can have a wonderful yoga experience.    And remember beginner yoga is a fabulous choice for everyone!







A Special Place written by Nancy Weshkoff

May 31, 2014 by  
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A Special Place

Written by Nancy Weshkoff


When I formed Moonflower Yoga in 2012, I wanted the studio to be more than just a place where people learned yoga postures.    It was important to me that the studio also have a feeling of community where people could come together and share and support each other.    Moonflower Yoga has been a success in both of these areas:  The great yoga classes that we offer have enabled people of all ages and fitness levels to enjoy the wonderful benefits of yoga.    Moonflower Yoga also has a community of like-minded people who have helped and supported each other, have contributed to charitable drives, and who have fun learning new things together through our workshops and the Moonflower Yoga Book Club.

What has also happened is that Moonflower Yoga has become a special place for spiritual development.   Through some of our great teachers, such as Connie and Chris, they have introduced us to ways to explore our spirituality and souls.   And as that happens, people are becoming more at peace.    They are supporting each other when things are challenging but they also share laughs as well.    And when I sit quietly at the studio in between classes, I can sense a wonderful energy at the studio.  

If you haven’t yet visited Moonflower Yoga in Bellmore, New York, in Nassau County (Long Island), come give us a try!   Your first class is free.    Learn something new and join the growing community of people who have helped make Moonflower Yoga a special place. 


Goodbye Winter Doldrums written by Nancy Weshkoff

February 28, 2014 by  
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Written by Nancy Weshkoff


It has been a brutal winter here in Bellmore, on Long Island, New York.   Our snow fall totals have already reached approximately 60” and there is another snowstorm on the way later this weekend with the prospect of possibly 10 more inches of snow.   Mother Nature has not been kind to us this winter.  

I am, however, shaking off the winter doldrums.    While the temperatures are still cold outside, there are signs of better days ahead.   Officially spring is just 3 weeks away.   Have you noticed the extra daylight?   It is no longer dark at 5 PM.    And when the snow is cleared away in my garden, there is beauty coming from the earth.   Several of my spring bulbs already have a couple of inches of green foliage.  A few of the spring perennials also have some green growth.   The robins have returned.   The flowers and birds know that spring is just around the corner.

There is something wonderful about the prospect of spring.   It marks a new beginning.   Are you ready for spring?

Warmer weather means shedding those baggy, extra layers of clothes that have kept us warm.   It is time to start thinking about getting in shape for the lighter clothes of warmer weather.    It is a great time to get off the couch, wake up our bodies, and get toned and stretched.   If you start now, you’ll feel fabulous and be ready for the warm days which are ahead.

Moonflower Yoga has some great yoga classes to help you get in shape for spring.   If you have never practiced yoga before, or have been inactive, start slowly with one of our fantastic beginner yoga classes which are offered several times a week.  We have lots of props on hand to help our students as you are getting back into shape.   Ready for something more challenging?   Try our Stress Reduction Vinyasa Flow class on Monday night at 7:30 PM or Sunday Flow at 9 AM each Sunday.   We also added a wonderful Move and Stretch class to the Tuesday schedule at 6:15 PM, and there is a fun Stretch and Flow class every Thursday morning at 10 AM.    We have an Iyengar-style Level One class on Tuesday at 10 AM and Thursday at 6:45 PM to help you tone.   If you are working in the vicinity of Bellmore, Long Island, we added a Yoga Lunch Express class on Mondays at 12:30, which is a great 45-minute lunch class: skip the heavy calories and try a wonderful class to energize you.

Remember spring is just around the corner.   It is time to shake off your winter doldrums!    Come visit us at Moonflower Yoga in Bellmore, New York, in Long Island’s Nassau County, for a great yoga class with our dedicated team of yoga teachers to help you get into shape and feel great.   Hope to see you soon!



Calming and Healing Your Spirit written by Nancy Weshkoff

February 1, 2014 by  
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Calming and Healing Your Spirit

Written by Nancy Weshkoff

 Life brings us many challenges.    The strain, tension, and stress can weigh down upon us.    It is so important that we take a break from these challenges and take care of ourselves.   Doctors all agree that stress is one of the leading causes of diseases.   You CAN do something to help relieve your stress.

Moonflower Yoga is proud to announce a new series of classes on Wednesday nights at 7:30 PM.  The new series is entitled “Calming and Healing Your Spirit”.    During each one-hour class, you will learn and experience a de-stressing activity to help bring you inner peace.   In our first class on February 5th, Anthony and Mindy of Happy and Healthy Now, will lead a Reiki Healing Circle. Reiki is a fabulous way to release negative energy.   In our second class on February 12th, Chris will teach you “Tapping” (Emotional Freedom Technique), a wonderful tool that you can self-administer to help remove negative reactions to certain situations or people.    Members of our military are using “Tapping” to help them with the after-effects of combat duty.   In our third class on February 19th, Connie will lead you into a deep meditation, as you recline on the ground nestled in warm blankets, with soft candlelight, and leave your worries behind.    In our fourth class on February 26th, there will be a special evening of Moonflower Yoga’s very popular Candlelight Restorative class, as you melt away stress while comfortably supported on bolsters, blankets, and pillows.    Our March classes will include a lovely Chanting class on March 19th led by Diane, with more classes to be announced shortly.

I hope you can join us for these wonderful Wednesday evening Calming and Healing Your Spirit classes at Moonflower Yoga.   Whichever class you choose, led by one of our great teachers, you will feel more relaxed and renewed from an amazing de-stressing class.   We could all use some more relaxation!!!   If you are in the area of Bellmore, Long Island, in Nassau County, New York, come give this a try.   You’ll be glad that you did.





In the Spotlight by Nancy Weshkoff

January 16, 2014 by  
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In the Spotlight

By Nancy Weshkoff

One of the things that I love about being a local business is the sense of community that you have from your fellow small business owners.   It is the small businesses that are the backbone of our country, and the income that is earned from a local business stays in the local community to help support schools, parks, etc.  

Moonflower Yoga is a member of the Bellmore Chamber of Commerce, a great organization that works very hard to support our local Long Island community.   I am pleased to advise that Moonflower Yoga was selected to be the “In the Spotlight” business by the Bellmore Chamber of Commerce for the month of January, 2014!!  Listed below is the text from our “In the Spotlight” feature. And remember if you are in the area of Bellmore, in Long Island’s Nassau County, please stop by & check out one of our great yoga classes or workshops!!

 In the Spotlight:

Moonflower Yoga is proud to make its home in Bellmore.  Our classes are small, generally with a maximum of 6 students per class, which enables our instructors to provide you with personal attention.  We are fully equipped with many props, such as bolsters, blocks, pillows, and blankets, so you are completely comfortable while practicing.   Your first class is always free, which gives you an opportunity to try a class with no obligation.

Moonflower Yoga offers an interesting array of yoga classes for all ages and fitness levels.  The classes are lovingly designed to help you build strength, gain flexibility and balance, as well as reduce your stress and find inner peace.  Moonflower Yoga also offers meditation classes, as well as Tai Chi.   We love working with students who have never tried yoga before.   Moonflower Yoga owner and Bellmore resident, Nancy Weshkoff, has put many special touches into the studio to make it a warm and friendly place.   Nancy personally greets all her students welcoming them as they enter the studio.  If you would like a private one-on-one yoga session, we can create a class just for you, and Moonflower Yoga can also come to your local place of business to teach an onsite yoga class in corporate locations. 

For something new and interesting, check out the Moonflower Yoga workshops which take place on Friday evenings or weekend afternoons.    Our past workshops topics have covered varied topics such as relieving back and neck pain, astrology, women’s health issues, goal setting, crystals, Feng Shui, and meditation.   We are also starting the Moonflower Yoga Book Club, which will meet once a month on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, beginning in January.

Please stop by and visit us at 2093 Bellmore Avenue at the corner of Wilson Avenue to learn more about Moonflower Yoga.  You can also check out our user-friendly website,, which is packed with lots of photos and info, and where you can reserve a class or workshop.   Hope to see you soon!

Reflections on 2013 written by Nancy Weshkoff

December 24, 2013 by  
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Reflections on 2013

Written by Nancy Weshkoff

 As the remaining days in 2013 start to dwindle, I have become a bit pensive as I reflect back on 2013 and what has occurred throughout the year.   

At the start of 2013, Moonflower Yoga was still in its infancy.   Since then, the studio has grown significantly.   So many students have walked through the front door of Moonflower Yoga.   A lot of these were students who never tried yoga before but were coming to Moonflower Yoga to experience their first class, and I am very proud that they chose Moonflower Yoga.  These students liked the small-class setting with personal attention, had a great yoga experience, and have become regular students of the studio.

Moonflower Yoga has accomplished many other positive things in 2013:

Our class schedule has grown to offer many options to our students so that people of all experience levels have a great place to practice.  Tai Chi and Meditation classes are amongst the newer classes.

We launched lots of interesting workshops on a variety of topics where people learned something new and had a fun evening.

Our Moonflower Yoga Picnic at Eisenhower Park was a blast, and we had perfect summertime weather.

Moonflower Yoga was the only yoga studio selected to give a yoga demo at the annual Nassau County Health and Wellness Fair.

Corporate yoga has been added to the slate of offerings at Moonflower Yoga where a Moonflower Yoga instructor goes to a local office and introduces yoga as part of a corporate wellness program.

We were able to give back to the community and help those in need with several charitable events.   Our children’s storytelling workshop raised money for the Make A Wish Foundation.   The film screening on the life of BKS Iyengar helped support the Iyengar Institute which brings yoga to many.  For Thanksgiving, we helped feed 800 hungry families.   And at the at end of 2013, we collected over 60 toys for the Toys for Tots program run by the USMC which donates toys to children who would not otherwise receive a holiday present.

We had another successful weekend at the Bellmore Family Street Festival where over 100,000 people from all over came to Bellmore.

But most important of all is our relationship with our students.   I feel truly blessed each day as I greet the students arriving to attend our classes.   Watching students enter the door feeling stressed from the day, and then watching them leave at the end of a great yoga class more refreshed and at peace, brings me a sense of joy knowing that we were able to help someone feel better.   I am so grateful to the students, as well as my great staff of teachers, for making Moonflower Yoga a very special place.  I can look back on 2013 with a smile, and I know the future will be even better.  Thank you to everyone for your support!

If you are in the area of Bellmore, New York, in Nassau County on Long Island, please stop by and see us.   Join us as we launch another fabulous year!


Is Christmas Stress Driving You Crazy? by Nancy Weshkoff

December 11, 2013 by  
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Is Christmas Stress Driving You Crazy?

Written by Nancy Weshkoff



Christmas is just two weeks away.    And, as we get closer to Christmas, I witness people experiencing more stress than normal with holiday obligations.   With that stress comes some bad habits such as overeating or eating high carb sugary foods.  We also tend to not get enough sleep.   There is one other thing that happens: we often stop exercising and taking care of ourselves.  

When we stop taking care of ourselves, bad things start to happen.  We gain weight from poor food choices and not exercising, putting more strain on our body.   Our reserve of energy becomes exhausted.     We are much more likely to become ill when our bodies are pushed to their limit.    And if we are not breathing properly, our body is not functioning efficiently.

I would like to suggest a different path this holiday season:  Set aside some time for yourself!!!   One way to do that is with a great yoga class.   You will gently stretch your muscles relieving muscle tension.  During the yoga class, you will also take deep breaths to increase the oxygen to your organs, which helps with stress reduction.  And by moving your body you are burning calories, keeping your weight in check.    Most importantly, you will generally feel better.   And when you feel better you can start to enjoy the holiday season rather than feeling overwhelmed.

Moonflower Yoga in Bellmore, New York, in Long Island’s Nassau County, has some great yoga classes that can help you feel better and more relaxed this holiday season.   And because we have small class sizes with a maximum of 6 students per class, our teachers pay personal attention to you making sure that you are comfortable and having a great yoga experience in your class.   Our students always say they feel so much better after just a one-hour yoga class.    You may also find that you sleep more soundly on the evening when you attend your yoga class, and having a good night’s sleep is essential.

So take a bit of time for yourself this holiday season.   When you do that, you may find that you enjoy this special time of year a bit more, while you are also keeping yourself healthier.   Hope to see you soon at Moonflower Yoga in Bellmore, Long Island!


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